Thank You For Your Order Click Here To Now
The message looks common enough, and it says that money will be charged to your credit card or withdrawn from your bank account for the product or service. Then it casually offers instructions on how you can cancel the order if you want to.
Thank You For Your Order Click Here To Now
In order to cancel the fake order, you'll either have to click a link or call them on the telephone. Either way, the ultimate goal of the scammers is to get you to give them some personal information. They'll claim it's for the purposes of canceling the fake order. They'll want your name, address, phone number, and very likely your credit card or banking information. If you protest, they'll insist they only need that information to confirm your identity.
Often there's another part to the scam. The scammers may ask you to download a file, usually a Microsoft Word or Excel file, enter your information into the file, and send that file back to them to cancel the order.
Scammers usually try to create some false urgency in order to get you to react quickly and emotionally before you've had time to think about it, or to ask a trusted advisor for their opinion. Notice in this example that it claims that "$499.99" will be withdrawn from your bank account TODAY. Then, curiously, says you need to contact them "within 48 hours", or "right away."
If you have an account with them, open your web browser to a new tab and use your own saved favorite or internet search to sign into your account. Then you should be able to see if this mysterious order actually appears in their system.
Being purposeful and personal when thanking your customers can help showcase the human aspect of your brand, create connections, increase customer lifetime value, and increase customer retention. This guide will explain why you need to show customer appreciation, provide you with 44 "thank you for your message" templates, and give you more general advice on thanking your customers.
While creative planning and smart decision-making set the stage for delight, at the end of the day, you still need a few simple ideas to act on. A great thank you message not only shows you care about your customers, but can also encourage customers to share their experience with family and friends.
Package inserts can be as targeted or as catch all as you like. Just make sure you keep a stack next to your order packers and toss one in each box. Need to stock up on package inserts? Check out these providers for high-quality stickers, business cards, and flyers:
Videos are a great experiment to run if only to see how customers react. There are many different ways to use videos in thanking customers, which means you can really get creative. Here are a few tools to check out to create quick, personalized videos:
For example, handing out a swanky gift package with every order is a surefire way to blow your budget. But segmenting high-value customers and sending them a handwritten note with a branded gift can cement an already positive relationship. Here are a few ways you can group your customers into different tiers of thank yous:
You can thank online shoppers with a handwritten note sent to their home address, a personalized email from a real person, an automated SMS, or a printed note in their package. Saying thank you to your customers gives them a positive experience and supports customer retention.
4K registration is now accepting applications January 9-March 10. GCS 4K program provides high-quality, rigorous instruction in early reading, math, and social-emotional skills using SC Early Learning Standards. Students attend class 7:45am-2:15pm daily. Children must be 4 years old on or before September 1, 2023, to be considered for this free program. Parents must submit the following in order for their application to be complete: Birth Certificate, Immunization, 2 proofs of residency (utility type bills) in parent's name and parent ID. No applications will be taken without all documentation. For more information, click HERE.
FIE Spirit Items are on sale now! This includes water bottles and 16 oz. tumbler cups with a straw! We are currently SOLD out of student lanyards. If you would like to order click here to print your order form. Simply send in your payment along with your order form with your student. It is best to place all order forms and payment in a ziploc bag or envelope with the student's name. All proceeds go towards our 5th grade students' Washington D.C. field trip in the Spring! Thank you for supporting FIE!
As a special thank you to those who serve or have served in all branches of the military, we offer discounted tickets all season long. For more information and to purchase your tickets, visit or click here.
After the transfer has been initiated, an email will be sent to the recipient with an active link in the message. The recipient will click on the link and enter the email address where the ticket transfer was received.
Transfer share recipients receive an email that includes a link to accept the transfer. The subject line of the email will read "Ticket Transfer Invitation."Step 1: Click the link in the email, enter the email address where you received the invitation and click on "Accept."
Step 2: Sign in to your online ticket account using your account number or email address and password. If you have never used the online ticketing system, you will need to create an account by clicking "Register" under "New Online Customer."
After you successfully complete the transfer, you will receive two e-mails: one confirming your order and one with a link to download your digital ticket(s). If you do not receive either e-mail within an hour or two, please check your spam/junk mail folder. (the highlighted should be changed in step 4 to the text above).
Hello you wonderful caring people thank you for taking action to support your local Monarch Butterflies! You are the engine that drives our 20+ year ongoing campaign to provide Free Education and the low cost seed to plant the edible homes for Monarch butterflies across North America. Our small staff of very dedicated people are willing to put in long hours to fill the requests you send in with the best Milkweed and seed for your gardens.
Everyone, please take the time to research the best varieties of milkweed for your specific area, US Gov maps below are generally showing where these varieties are currently found. More detailed "Native" maps are on many other sites, review them for new research. If you have seeds to share please contact us. While there are about 80 milkweed varieties in North America many of these are not commercially available and we can not grow them in our region. Please include a note or we will choose the most productive we have for the Monarchs based on the return address.
Please click the choices below for seeds to plant and you can share a portion of your purchase with others too.With one step you can get seeds and share some with others too. - A perfect combination! Include a note and say hello. Or give us extra instructions. After clicking Pay Now you can multiply your order and get identical complete packages to share. A super easy awesome gift!
Butterfly Picture Contest: We appreciate the pictures, drawings and letters you send to us and would like to display them on our site. To encourage more artistic creations, we are offering a reward for the best in each age range. Just send in your drawings or butterfly crafts, and you will be entered in our Caterpillar Kit Giveaway. Click here to see some of our thousands of letters and get more information on the contest. Anyone can enter!
Can you afford to do more? Our mission to assist the Monarch butterfly and native animals covers all of North America. Your contributions assist the Live Monarch Foundation to send out many thousands of these Free Seed Packs and Educational materials to children across this continent. It also affords us the opportunity to give back directly to your community in a self-renewing and sustainable way. Any donation over $20 will be eligible to receive a special Monarch thank you gift. At different levels of sponsorship, we can offer the following items or sizable discounts from our online partners and fellow butterfly breeders:
Community involvement: Monarchs are a miracle everyone should enjoy. We have created a wonderful opportunity for your household, neighborhood, school, place of worship, business, community and even state to make a difference today and ensure the future of our Monarch tomorrow. All it takes is your involvement. The Live Monarch Foundation charter enables them to directly compensate you for your efforts to collect funds. A full 20% of whatever funds you or your group collects can go directly to you and your community. You will directly impact your local area with the creation of natural butterfly preserves through the placement of suitable plants and specially bred caterpillars and butterflies which will continue their life cycle in your preserve as it is established. Imagine what it would be like for you to personally act to bring butterflies back to your community and create a self-sustaining resource for the enjoyment and enrichment of so many in your area. Please click here for examples of programs in action.
A. Many viewers have provided for THIRTEEN in their wills and, for most of them, it is the largest gift to THIRTEEN they could ever consider. As you review the various deferred gifts discussed on our web site, please keep in mind that one of the simplest ways for you to perpetuate the kind of programming you value so highly is through your will. Click here for more information or contact our office of Planned Giving at (212) 560-4989
A. We are currently working to provide our members with an online member portal that will allow you to access information about your membership online and hope to have it available in 2023. In the meantime, you can access information about your recent donations, expiration date and thank you gifts using our automated phone system by calling (212) 560-2888. If we have your phone number in our records, the system will recognize you. If not, you can enter your membership number, found on your MemberCard or the back cover of your program guide to access information about your membership and giving history.